2010 Wine Release Party

Apr 14, 2010 | Appearances | 1 comment

On April 24 and 25, 2010 Young’s Vineyard in the Shenandoah Valley will release their wines for 2010.  My artwork will be on the labels.  There are six wines being released, 5 reds and one white.  Each wine will have a different label in an Arabian Knights theme.  Come and enjoy the fabulous wine and see my labels!  Go to www.youngsvineyards.com for more information… big gathering of wine tasters, friends and family.  Hope you can come.

Young's 4 11 10 067

Me, Annette Young, vineyard owner, Kelly Hernandez, vineyard manager, Nancy Steel, winemaker

Beautiful flowers add to the rich ambience of Annette Young's Pre-Release party

Man beautiful bouquets added to the rich ambiance of Annette Young's Pre-Release party


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