
May 8, 2010 | Misc | 1 comment

Here’s the step by step progression of my painting of Hannah, my granddaughter.

First step = a light multi colored wash over all.

My color palette:  Winsor Orange, Permanent Rose, Winsor Blue Green Shade.

Step two = start defining middle and darker values

Step 3 = Feelin' finished? I spent some time looking at what I was missing in Hannah's face, her hands and in the background and decided I needed to go a bit further.

Step four = Make some refinements in face and background, worked on ice cream and coneÂ

Final step = more work on face and hands (and that cute little pinky) ... Add some fun touches of Cerulean Blue

And… Sign it.  Now I’m finished.  This is a small painting, 5″ x 5″, unusual for me.


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