“Egg Shells and Gems” c2011

Mar 7, 2011 | Misc | 7 comments

Here’s a new painting…  a sweet little still life.  I’m not sure of the title yet.  So far I’m calling it “Egg Shells and Gems” (c2011, watercolor, 12″ x 12″), but, we’ll see if that sticks.  It’s not a very catchy title.  Sometimes a title just comes naturally and easily, sometimes I put a title on and am never quite satisfied with it.

I’ve tried to capture light moving in, on, and through delicate objects.  I love the way each area is affected by the light and by the surrounding objects.  It was a wonderful challenge. Hope you enjoy it!

I’m thinking, now, that I’ll call it “Glass Effects”.  What do you think?

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