For my beginning watercolor class… Oak Leaves and Acorns

Dec 9, 2012 | Misc | 4 comments

Oak Leaves and Acorns in Progress

Here are a few in progress photos of the painting we are working on in my beginning watercolor class.  The first couple of photos are a bit yellow as you can see…  The others are more true to the actual color in the painting.  We are using masking fluid to retain the lighter areas and details. 

Here’s the original photo of Oak Leaves and Acorns






My Palette…





Yesterday (12-11-12) in my beginning watercolor class at University Art I added some details on the upper leaf, the top acorn “hat” and the background. 

I also did some negative painting in the lichen.

After a bit more work I peeled off the masking fluid and added some shadows.


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