Class Project

Apr 7, 2013 | Misc, Tutorials | 2 comments

In this six week session at University Art in Sacramento, I’m guiding my students in painting some little landscapes.  I’ve worked on two pieces…  Very simple color schemes, as usual.  Winsor Blue Green Shade, Thalo Yellow Green (Grumbacher), Permanent Rose, Perylene Green and a bit of Cobalt Blue in the wet into wet painting. 

One is painted wet on dry paper, which is in my comfort zone.  The other is painted wet into wet.  You can see I’ve finished the wet on dry piece, but not the wet into wet.  I really admire artists who paint wet on wet paper and am trying to incorporate a bit into my work. 


Next Tuesday we’ll be working on a little landscape with a building… 

Charlotte Harris, one of my University Art students photographed my progress on this painting.  Almost as good as a video.  :)  Thanks Charlotte!

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