The story of “The Unseen Folk”

Jul 4, 2020 | Misc | 0 comments

The Light in the Darkness

Some of you may not know that I have a series of graphite drawings called The Unseen Folk.

In 2015, with a small Moleskine sketchbook, I began.

Here is one of the first drawings from that sketchbook. 

I was on a journey of discovery.
It was fun to experiment in such a small format (only 5″ x 8″) and on lightly textured paper.

The format really worked well for me.

I carried my sketchbook and pencil case everywhere.

My goal became to complete the first sketchbook within the year.  I achieved that goal and bought a new sketchbook.  At this moment I have completed 4 sketchbooks and am on my 5th.

The drawings became more adventurous and more detailed. 

I developed my own techniques, and learned to add subtleties and surface textures that I very much enjoyed.

During 2016, we found out that my sweetheart, Doug Barnett, had liver cancer. 

Doug had been a writer/video game designer and was hugely supportive of my art career.  He had begun talking about writing a storybook to go with some of my drawings.   We often talked about ideas and inspirations for the book.  Doug mapped out and outlined some of them. But, sadly, he became so sick that he was unable to follow through with this dream.



I kept drawing and painting and started to hang a few of my framed drawings up for sale along with my watercolors… People liked them and they actually sold.  What a confirmation of our dream. 
In June of 2017 Doug passed away.   But, his thoughts and dreams lived on through me. 

I continued to add to my sketchbook which became a visual diary of sorts.



Then… 2020 hit us all with a shock.

With the virus, my classes, art shows and watercolor demonstrations were cancelled. 

My Dad had passed away in December of 2019.  So… finding myself pretty much alone, except for my Mom… with family stranded and work postponed… I thought again about Doug’s dream of writing a book. 

I quietly started a little book/story, stumbling and bumbling my way along, going over and over words and phrases as  well as some of Doug’s thoughts and things I remembered him saying.  Sitting outside and feeling the Unseen World became part of my method of finding words.  Those who are writers must know pf this, but I had never experienced it before.

A new adventure is always a good way of dealing with life’s troubled times, and this was definitely a new adventure for me.

It’s wonderful to see this little book and dream come to fruition.   Self-published, illustrated and written by me, with the encouragement of students and friends, and with the help of my Guardian Angel, Doug Barnett

I am so happy to introduce you to The Unseen Folk, the first Egg Shell Book publication. 

Here it is!   Click Here 

I hope you viewers and readers will find this Unseen world as surprising and wonderful as I have.  <3

Egg Shell Books logo
Hummingbird guide into the Unseen World


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