Checking in

Dear Friend, What a time we’ve had since 2020!I know you have memorable life stories. Me too.  I’d love it if you share in the comments below. And, since the beginning of 2022 to mid-2023, sad to say, I barely painted.  But, I did draw and draw and draw....

How to Stretch Watercolor Paper

And… Pros and Cons I usually stretch my 140 lb watercolor paper. Pros: Stretching creates a wonderful firm flat surface to paint on, instead of ripples and buckles in the paper. I use 140 lb Arches Cold Pressed paper, but any watercolor paper can be soaked and...

Making your own Transfer Paper

Materials needed to make your own transfer paper:                         Pad of tracing paper (any good tracing paper will work) I use an 11” x 14” sizeGraphite Stick – #6B  (Make sure it is graphite, not charcoal)Cotton ballRubbing alcohol Follow these steps:...
About Being an Artist

About Being an Artist

Don’t think too much about making the perfect art piece. Instead, pull out your materials, your paper, your pencil, or whatever you need. Clear off a surface and start.   What should I paint? Sometimes it’s necessary to go through photos, or drawings,...
New drawings

New drawings

It’s fun for me, lately, to spend time drawing. Here are a couple new additions to my Moleskine sketchbook. A new larger size book, with bigger drawings are leading me to amp up my drawing skills… new challenges! Here is a comparison in size from my...

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