It’s okay to paint someone over and over again.

Sometimes someone is so inspiring to an artist that they paint them over and over again.  This is okay.  Feel free to do it!  🙂 If you have a model, or someone in your life who inspires many paintings, you might question whether you should continue to...

Watercolor Workshop and Demonstration for WASH

Monday, April 9, 2018 I had a great time demoing and teaching at the Sacramento Fine Arts Center for WASH.  These photos were taken by my good friend Jeri, but more will follow taken by other friends.  Thank you everyone who helped make this day so...

Progressing through a painting

Hello Everyone, Some of you have been asking on my Facebook page for step by step photos as I work through a painting. This one was started as a workshop demo in Mendocino Art Center last year. I usually do complete my demo paintings, but not often in class.  I...

Upcoming classes

Hello my friends, Just wanted you to know that I will be teaching a few workshops in various areas of California this year.  If you go up to the Class Schedule button, you will be able to see what I have scheduled this year so far. I thought today it would be nice to...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas, Happy Winter Days and Happy New Year to you my friends From me out here in the cloudy foothill Gold Country, of California. I hope you can look forward to a creative new year, loving your art and the loving the inspirational art that you find out in...

CWA’s 48th National Exhibition is coming up in January!

Hello, Hello Everyone! Well, it's that time of year again.  Busy December.  2017 is coming to an end.  I'm looking ahead to 2018 and making plans with Art Galleries, Art Associations and Studios where I will be teaching and showing my work.  Check out my Class...

Pure in Heart

Working through a complicated painting is fun for me.  I love the detailed robe and nightgown that my model/granddaughter, Elle, was wearing... such an old fashioned and romantic look, especially with her contemplative look and her long braid.  I love painting long...

New painting

After quite awhile of being away from posting here, I'm making friends again with my blog and website. Here is a new painting:  "Nestling"  c2017  It will be among about 20 paintings being shown at the Art Gallery in October...

Problem areas and unresolved paintings

Did you ever do a painting that you almost liked, but just didn't quite make the grade?  Ha!  We've all done that!  Here's an example of one I had almost finished, yet something didn't work... Why oh why did I do that background, in that way???  Should I just...

To Finish or Not to Finish… That is the question.

I have a bunch of unfinished paintings from the last couple of years... Maybe you do too.  Mine are from workshop projects and watercolor demonstrations.   Some of them are within hours of being finished... Some within a few days.  Some I care about, some not so...

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