The Art Nouveau Style

In June I'll be teaching a four week class at University Art in Sacramento on the Art Nouveau Style.  My primary focus  will be the artwork of Alfonse Mucha,, though I will also show students other work in the style, or deriving from...

Young’s Winery Release Party

On April 14, 2010 Young's Vineyard, in Amador County, California, released their new wines at a large two-day party on the beautiful vineyard grounds. Delicious food was served, music played, and wine tasted as people chatted and enjoyed the warm weekend weather. I...


Here's the step by step progression of my painting of Hannah, my granddaughter. My color palette:  Winsor Orange, Permanent Rose, Winsor Blue Green Shade. And... Sign it.  Now I'm finished.  This is a small painting, 5" x 5", unusual for...

Watercolor Hair

Here's a nice example of watercolor hair.  The combination of straight hair at the crown of the head, and curly loose hair around the face, helps you see two different textures and techniques for painting the hair. In this painting I've used Ultramarine Blue, Cobalt...

2010 Wine Release Party

On April 24 and 25, 2010 Young's Vineyard in the Shenandoah Valley will release their wines for 2010.  My artwork will be on the labels.  There are six wines being released, 5 reds and one white.  Each wine will have a different label in an Arabian Knights theme....

Hannah with ice cream… in progress

In progress:  My Granddaughter, Hannah.  Here I've used transparent staining color, a limited palette.  This is about three glazes of color.  I'm using a limited palette of Winsor Blue Green Shade, Permanent Rose, Winsor Orange, and Winsor Yellow.

Diagram of the eye

More info on the eye for my students... Take some time this week to draw out an eye from a magazine, photo or using this diagram.  I'd love to see what you come up with. Happy drawing and painting!

Painting an eye

Here are some eye studies for you to follow.  A nice way of studying the eye is to get photos from magazines with different viewpoints and varying colors and draw and/or paint them. Here I am using 3 primary colors:  Winsor Blue Green Shade, Permanent Rose and...

Ear Study

Here is an ear study... Ears are so much fun to paint.  First lay down a wash.  Then watch until the paper starts to dry and lift some color out in the lightest areas.  That will get your form started.


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